Monday 1 July 2013

June Favourites

Another month has passed, which means...another favourites post. I haven't really had that many favourites tthis month, but, non the less, I've managed to pull something together for you and I hope you like it...enjoy!

Ardell Individual Lashes

I got these with the intention of using them on a friend of mine, I had no idea I would become so addicted... The pack contains three different sizes of flared lashes so you can mix, match and create different eye shapes and boy did I have fun doing so... You only need to apply a small amount of lash adhisive (I used one by Eye Candy), wait 30 seconds, place on the lash and you've got gorgeous, flirty, life like lashes that will last you all day. They're also really easy to remove so you don't have to tug and pull them off. Although they're extremely realistic, the seam is quite thick and noticeable so you do need to disguise them with a line of liner. Other than that they're amazing and I would deffinitely reccomend them!



Maybelline The Falsies Mascara

I'd had this sitting untouched in my collection for months, until recently... I can't believe how much I was missing!! It has to be one of my all time favourite mascaras, and that's a big claim considering I've only been using it for a couple of weeks now, but it really is that good. It comes with a curved wand, which fits the eye shape perfectly and allows you to get close to the lash line, enabling you to create beautiful, curved, volumized lashes. It also lasts for hours without any movement what so ever, so you don't have to worry about checking up on it...perfect!



Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow Foundation

I got this little sample at the start of the month and, as I have extremely dry skin, I didn't exactly have high hopes for it as it's oil free and has quite a dry texture, but, I was pleasently suprised. It blended into my skin quite naturally and the colour match was perfect, but, although it's meant to leave you with a bright, hydrating finish, it settled kinda matte on me, which I rather liked. It has a light to medium coverage, so it doesn't look too cakey or feel too heavy on the skin. It's perfect for those summer days when you want a little more coverage, but you don't want to feel like you're smothered in product...lovely!
L'OReal Studio Silk & Gloss Volume Mousse
Now, I have rather unreuley hair, it's frizzy, knotty and a general pain in the butt, but this has been a real saviour. All I do is get about it's lid size on the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and then run in through the hair starting from the roots downwards. After that's done, I take a barrel brush and the hairdryer and take about an inch and a half of hair at a time and slowly straighten it out and, due to it's silk micro-fibres, it leaves you with gorgeously, smooth, silky hair without having to use a boat load of products. I would definitely reccomend it to anyone, it's a real time saver.
The Nails

Deborah Lippman, Today Was A Fairytale

I love a bitta sparkle, and when I saw the name of this I couldn't resist. It has to be the prettiest, most vertile, long lasting glitter polish I've ever tried. It has a blue undertone, which teamed with the fairydust like glitter, has a kinda magical, Cinderella feel. It goes with almost anything, and even looks lovely on its own. It's long lasting and doesn't chip, the perfect fairytale polish.

Sally Hanson, Green Tea

For ages I'd been looking for the perfect mint polish, and then this came into my life and I fell absolutely head over heels... It has a sophisticated grey/blue undertone, which dries within the minute and only requires two coats, which are applied with it's thick fan brush making it an easy process and allowing you to create smooth, sleek coats. It a great alternative if you're not that into bright polish but still want to make a statement this Summer.


As mentioned above^, Today Was A Fairytale goes with just about anything and looks amazing teamed up with the Sally Hanson shade. When I haven't been wearing them on their own, I've been putting them together for a more fun, sparkley, party feel...beautiful!



So that was my June favourites and I hope you enjoyed it. I know I haven't really been big on the product posts as of late, but hopefully I will do a few more soon. As always, don't hestiate to leave me a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can :)


Thanks for reading x


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