Sunday 28 April 2013

Beauty Blogger Tag


1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

It's kinda a curly, wavey mess that always gets knotted...


2. What's your natural hair colour?



3. Do you dye your own hair or do you go to the salon?

It depends on my mood, if I can be bothered to sit for hours then I'll go to the salon but if I don't have the time I'll just stick to the DIY hair dye, and there's some really good ones out there these days...


4. Do you wear the same style everyday or do you change it?

Again, it depends on my mood, If I can be bothered I'll change it up, but normally I just wear my natural waves down.


5. Do you do your own medi/pedi or do you go to the salon?

I think I've only had a professional do my nails once in my entire life, and I found it a waste of money, so yeah, I do it myself.


6. How often do you change your nail polish?

I have a terrible habbit of picking my nail polish off, so I need to re-apply it like every two days...


7. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just in in summer?

It's the kinda thing I'll do only if I'm bored, but there isn't really any particular time of year I'll stick to.


8. How long does it take for you to put your makeup on?

I would probably say half an hour - an hour.


9. What do you do first, face or eyes?

Face, always the face...I feel naked without doing it...


10. Do you collect makeup or do you buy what you need when you need it?

I'm a bit of a makeup hoarder tbh, If I see something I want I'll buy it, regardless of whether I need it or not... I also like to have spares of my favourites products so I like have two of everything...


11. How often do you wear false eyelashes?

Never. I have pretty large, curly lashes anyway, so I don't really see the point...


12. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?

No. I like to give my face a rest at least once a week (mainly on a sunday)


13. Do you wear makeup when you're alone/with the family?

Yeah, depending on my mood though...


14. Will you leave the house without makeup?

Yep. I'm not someone who feels insecure without makeup, I wear it simply beacause I love it.


15. How many high-end products do you have?

High-end products are always a gamble, you can so easily spend a crazy amount of money on a product that doesn't work for you or is just crap, so I collect sample sizes, and even if I do like a product, I find it hard to part with the cash... Most of my high-end collection has been given to me as gifts.


16. Do you plan your OOTD the night before or on the day?

I change my mind a lot and the weather's always changing, so I decide what to wear as I get dressed. I do, however, like to plan in advance if it's a special occasion or if I'm going out for a posh meal.


17. How often do you change your handbag?

I have a collection of bags to pick and choose from, so it doesn't stay the same for too long.


18. What time do you go to sleep?

I'm a bit of a grandma, I like to be up early so I go to bed at about half 9, watch tv for an hour and then fall asleep.


19. Do you work out? How often?

I've just started the Insanity work out, which I have to do 6 days a week for 45 minutes...


20. Are you left-handed or right-handed?

I'm a righty.


21. How tall are you?

5' could put me in your pocket...


22. Do you speak a forgein language?

Nope, but I wish I could speak Russian or French...


23. How many pets do you have?

5 horses, 2 dogs and a kitty cat :)


24. How often are you on Blogger?

Everyday without fail, I love to see what everyone's up to.


25. Do you read comments on your Blog?

Yep :) and I reply to every single one.


26. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see them on other posts?

I do, but I forget about the list so it's pretty pointless...


27. How did you come up with the name of you Blog?

Simple, I love foxes (which I know a lot of people would disagree with, but I think they're beautiful creatures), and I love Rubies.


28. What camera do you use?

I use a Nikon D40, but it's flash isn't working so it's kinda annoying...


29. How often do you clean your house?

Everyday. I'm a bit of a clean freak, which annoys the rest of the household...


30. What's your favourite colour?

I wouldn't say I had one but if I had to choose it'd be pink.


31. Do you swear?

I'm affraid I do, but never in public as I find is disrespectful to other people.


32. What are you doing with the rest of you day?

Blogger, Youtube and Chinese...perfect! :)




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