Monday, 6 January 2014

The Resolutions | Happy New Year!





Blog More

Over the past few months I'm ashamed to admit that I've kinda put blogging on the back burner, not because of lack of interest, but due to a variety of things, the main one being lack of motivation and inspiration. This year I set out to make blogging a much more frequent occurance and loosen the reigns a little on the type of stuff I right about as I feel as though I'm kinda putting pressure on myself to compete with other beauty writers. The Ruby Fox is more than just makeup and it's about time I started creating a more varied blog tackling a variety of issues. Watch out Blogsosphere, the Fox is back!




Get a Body Like This...

(Jen Selter)
As some of you may already know, I'm kinda unhappy with the way my body looks at the moment and have been making a consense effort to eat more healthy, workout and to live the lifestyle of a fitness godess, however, December hit and my whole routine came crashing down. I'm pleased to say that I didn't really gain weight, but I have lost most of the body definition I'd worked so hard to achieve. This year I plan to transform myself completely and become the sculpted goddess I long to be.
Be More Glamorous


If you're like me and keep up to date with beauty and fashion Bloggers/Youtubers, you'll understand me when I say, I wish I looked that perfect all the time! Every single one I've come across, no matter what their style, are always imaculately turned out with flawless hair and makeup, something I wish I could achieve on a daily basis. Born out of jealousy, I've decided to make more of an effort to achieve a more glamorous persona and invest in more quality products to get the absolute best out of me that I's to hoping!




Focus On My Art


For those of you who don't know, I have a passion for all things art related and have lately become more inspired to focus on my own artwork and even produced my own greeting cards for Christmas... Now that I've got back into the swing of things, my passion has never been stronger and I'm currently working on assembling a portfolio and a collection of works for sale. Hopefully this year will be the year that I start some sort of career and if I can earn a few bob from my work I'll be happy.



(pictures created for Christmas cards)

"Lady Foxmas"
"Father Owlmas"
"Christmas Bunny"
So that concludes my resolutions for 2014, hopefully I'll be able to stick to them all... I would love to hear what your resolutions are (if you have any), and I hope all the best for you ALL this new year.
Thanks for reading x


1 comment:

  1. *NOTE* I would like to apologise for the terrible spelling in this post, I forgot to spell check :/ oh well, we can't all be perfect...
