Sunday, 21 July 2013

An Interview With An Artist | Charlotte Mudd

Whether you know it or not, art is a huge part of our lives, it's what makes us choose the mugs we drink from, the way we dress, even the films we watch... There is, of course, the more obvious art, and young artist, Charlotte Mudd, is defiantly one of the worlds most talented...

I caught up with her to ask her a few questions...enjoy!


You share your time between the city and the country, how do they differ in terms of how they effect your creativity and state of mind?

When I'm in the city (Liverpool) its when I'm at uni so ill have set briefs and projects, these keep me very busy and driven as I don't stop and I have something to be working to. At uni I have all the different equipment that will help me create interesting stuff. Nothing I make at uni seems to be anything a-like, each project is different because I tend to use a different approach or method each time, such as, printing, laser-cutting, or computer based, depending what the brief is and what the illustration is intended for.

When I'm at home in Wensleydale for holidays, I'll have abit of a break and don't tend to have anything to work towards, so I make much less. Also I often have limited materials to work with at hand, so mainly ill do more traditional pencil drawings that I fancy doing for myself or the rare commission (I do commissioned portraits for anyone who wants one! Info on my website) and just note and sketch ideas I want to do for future projects. At home I'm abit lost and I think I have less confidence without direction or anyone else around to inspire me to do work.

What inspires you?

Artists i come across, other peoples work at uni defiantly! It makes me positive for the future seeing what everyone else is doing and that they are in the same position as me. I suppose bits of design I see around in everyday life that I like and think I could use that approach or method in my own work. At the minute I've been especially interested in pattern design and I've been looking at stain glass windows! And as its summer I've been drawing a lot of floral stuff.

Which artists influence you?

I love Rich Kelly! He mostly does poster designs for bands and films. I would love to be able to recreate the aesthetic his work has but I wouldn't know where to start. His work is very layered with textures, colours and drawings, and also his composition is great. His drawing and character design is very engaging and he sets the mood with his great use of colours. everyone can appreciate what he does I think. Defiantly worth a look.

(left-right: Son of Frankenstein & Hard Eight by Rich Kelly)

How would you describe your style?

I don't know if I have a style yet! my work defiantly has a certain aesthetic though. I tend to do quite elaborate and hand drawn stuff and concentrate on the line quality's. I'm really hoping that this year I will find a way of working that I really like working with and that will become my style. Lets prey.

What materials do you like working with the most?

I like the effect of intaglio printing (which is just etching into a material then putting ink on and printing) but its very messy. But mostly I like to work with just pencil or coloured pencil, just because its instant and completely controllable and there's no flapping around.

What piece are you proudest of?

I think a project I did in first year, called 'Look both ways' which is on my website ( just because Its the cleverest drawings I have done. They are a series of drawings basted on mythological creatures that turn from human to an animal, the drawings one way up are the human and turned upside-down are the animal.


As a young artists starting out, how do you stay driven?

At the minute for me what is driving me is the want to succeed in Uni because I've been working towards it for so long, and a lot of hard work has gone into it. But in general my friends on my course help when they are enthusiastic about illustration, I think in the beginning, for me anyway, I defiantly need people around you to keep you motivated.

What would be your dream job?

Either a prosthetics and set designer in fantasy films or a Zoo keeper! But a place in a design company would also do.

What advise would you give to anyone (teenagers) considering a career in art?

Its alot of hard work, and I recently got told from a local artist 'you have to starve for a few years before you start making money', so make sure you have a real passion for it.

What are you doing after this?

After this, literally right now I'm watching he rest of Harry Potter and the philosophers stone and then I'm going to be doing some work from my G.A.R.P for Uni (art dissertation).



Contact Charlotte

If you want to find out more about her work, of perhaps discuss hiring her for a commission here's where to find her...

Website -

Blog -

Instagram - @mudd_mudd

email -



Thanks for reading x



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