Friday 1 March 2013

10 Beauty Questions


So, seen as I'm new n the scene (and I'm into beauty), I thought I would answear 10 beauty related questions to help you get to know me just a little bit... I've made up the questions, but I'm betting this kinda thing has been done before but what the heck...


1. Skin Tone & Type - I would say I'm dry/combination...I mean it's relatively well behaved but I do have areas which ALWAYS tend to get flakey. These areas are normally the inner corners of the eye, the forehead, underneath my bottom lip, around the nose and occasionally on the cheeks. To top it off, I'm very pale. I don't have anything against the pale skinned, in fact I find most of you stunning...I've just always wished I had beautiful, olive skin but unfortunately I can only dream...

2. Eye Colour - Weirdly, my eyes seem to change colour on a daily basis... They're either green or bluey grey. I kinda like it but I always seem to accent the green tones with a goldy eye shadow... In fact, golds are my go to shade when it comes to my eyes. I don't know if it's because I'm scared to try something else or just because that's what works best...who cares, I know I like it.

3. Hair Colour & Type - I've dyed my hair for so long that Ihave absolutely no idea what my natural colour is...It started in about year 7 with a few blonde highlights and then it spiralled from there...I've been blonde, red, name it I've been it. But just lately I've been really into the natural look so I decided to dye it completely brown (my natural colour). I also don't really fuss around with many products, I just wash it and let it dry into its natural, bouncy style.

4. Current Skincare Routine - I don't really have a 'ritual' when it comes to my skin. I have one facial wash I use everyday and that's this beauty...

Clinique Liquid Facial Soap in mild...I absolutely LOVE it!! To begin with, it smells sooo good!! It's the cleanest smell I have ever smelt!! Not in a like surgical way but in a REALLY good spa like way... You only need to use a pea size for the entire face and then just wash off with a warm flannel. It feels like you've been stripped of a crusty old skin and left with a new shiny one...beautiful.

I don't really do much else apart from a few face masks when i feel like a pamper...I do moisturize, but only when I'm going to be putting ma slap on. At the moment I've just been using Soap & Glory Body Butter...yes, I know it's not really meant for that but I swear, it's the best thing I've ever used on my face. It soaks in beautifully and keeps my face packed with moisture for hours.

5. Current Foundation & Concealer - At the moment I've been loving using powders as it doesn't feel heavy and gives me the coverage I need but still let's my skin breath. It's perfect for my natural looking obsession at the moment, but unfortunately I had an accident... I was using the Clinique Superpower Double Faced Powder, until it smashed... I did have it in an old pot I had laying around, but that fell off the side and went everywhere... Anyway, let's not dwell on my stupidity... I've had to go back to my liquid selection, Lo'Real Lumi Magique or Revlon Colourstay? This is what I ask myself every time I do my make up...I do have others but these two always seem to be the most reached for. They both have a good coverage without being too heavy which I like...the Lumi Magique gives a slightly shinier finish than the Colourstay so I tend to turn to that when I feel my skin needs a bit of a boost...they're equally as good in my opinion so it's a win win.

Just lately I've been obsessing over the Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection concealer. I know it's raved about ALOT in the blogger community, but believe me, it really is worth the hype. The coverage is better than any other concealer I've used by far!! It doesn't feel too heavy but when it's on you can definitely feel its there, if you know what I mean... When it comes to under the eyes, i've taken to using the lightest colour in a Jemma Kidd concealer duo to kinda correct my dark circles. On top of that I just a light coat of Lasting Perfection, and bish, bash, bosh you're done!

6. Bold Eyes or Bold Lips or Both - I wish I could be someone who could wear big, bright, statement lipsticks everyday, but unfortunately I just can't. The thing is, I get so frustrated at having to re apply it every time I have a drink or eat... I want to be able to fill my fat face without having to worry about getting smudges all over my face! Nope, I'm a bold eye kinda girl...and that's only when it's a special occasion... I'll use deep purples or use the classic smokey eye...the only issue then is worrying about all the smudging under my eyes (which I ALWAYS get)...ah well, at leasts I can still eat!

7. Signature Scent - I'm not really that knowledgeable when it comes to perfumes, but I know what I like. And when i've fallen, I will use the absolute crap out of it!! This is unfortunate because it means I run out way too quickly and, let's face it, I can't afford to replace it all the time... Anyway, my current obsession is this...


Lady GaGa Fame... OMG, this is my favourite fragrance ever, yes, EVER!! It's just everything I want in a fragrance, It's a light, fruity and subtle...oh, and it doesn't give me a headache!! I hate it when you spritz yourself and then within seconds you can feel a niggle in ya head... That's why I stay away from musky or spicy fragrances, they're way too heavy!! No, i like a light fragrance which isn't too sweet or too pungent, and this one ticks all the boxes, it's perfect!

8. Most Treasured Product - Ok, so what I hold dear isn't really a product as such, more like equipment. It's the Real Techniques Core Collection brushes...

From the moment I opened these on Christmas day, I fell head over heels!! They have to be the softest brushes I have ever had...and the best quality... The kit contains - Buffing Brush: which is intended for applying powder and mineral foundation, but works just as well with liquid. It buffs foundation into the skin instead of it sitting on the surface (as you would get with a normal foundation brush), which gives you a more natural finish...and it lasts longer... Detailer Brush: I love this one, it's so versitile! It's perfect for highlighting my brow bone and the inner corner of my eyes (which I do daily) and concealing certain areas (like around the nostrils). As well as that, it's also a great lip I don't use it for this much, but when I have done, it glided the product on beautifully and gave it a really smooth, flawless finish. Pointed Foundation Brush: I find this one a bit too small for foundation (even around the eyes and nose...I mean, those areas are gonna be concealed anyway, so there's not much point) so I use it for concealer. I use it in a kinda circular motion so it buffs it in to go with the finish of the foundation... Contour Brush:
 I use this for contouring, highlighting AND's just the perfect shape for getting in the hollows of the cheek (giving my round face beautifully defined cheekbones), and the pointed end easily dabs highlighter in the right place, without applying too much product. I also use the tip for applying blush in a circular motion to softly blend up the cheek bone... I love how the brushes come in a stand up holder, it's perfect for standing on your dresser or for going away...

9. Most Overused Product - I have the driest lips ever! They're always flaking and looking all shrivelled up, it disgusting!! So, my most overused product is definitely lip balm / Chapstick. I don't have a particular favourite, I just place various ones in different rooms of the house and apply them throughout the day... Saying that, the ones I have at the moment are the classic Chapsticks in a variety of flavours... I'm just obsessed with keeping my lips moisturized, I can't do anything unless I have a balm near by... Another reason I HAVE to keep them moisturized is because when my lips do dry out I find they start to get sore, it's super uncomfortable!!

10. Product You Couldn't Live Without - You already know I can't go anywhere without my lip balm, but i also have another weakness...eyebrows. I am OBSESSED with them!! They're kinda weird, they're nice and full at the inner corners, but as they go out, they're virtually non exsistant. Basically, I only have half a brow... Because of this, I'm quite conscious of them and I hate people seeing me without them looking perfect. For about a year I used the Rimmel Professional Eyebrow Pencil, but, just recently I've taken to using powder (now that I've got hang of the angled brush). I just find it a lot more natural and quicker to it looks better! I use a combination of Bark and Noir by Sleek, which is the perfect colour for me. It lasts quite well through the day, but, just to me safe, I ALWAYS seal the brow with Topcoat. Yes, Topcoat. It works brilliantly to keep the colour and hairs in place all day, and it doesn't smudge anything...fabulous!


So, that's it. I hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit of what I'm about, and I'll see you soon:) x

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